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To learn the text of the Vedic Mantrams (sacred hymns) extolling the One Reality in many ways.
​For each mantram undertaken, to learn the in depth meaning, symbolism used and spiritual significance of the Vedic verses.
To be informed about the rituals where these mantrams are used and the benefits of chanting these mantrams as a daily practice.
To enhance our subjective experience when chanting these mantrams - with full understanding of meaning and directing our feelings towards the Supreme Self.
For more details regarding the study class, please contact Saraswathy Padamati or Vijay Gorugantu
Ganapati Atharva Sirsham, Sri suktam,
Durga suktam, Purusha suktam, Sri Rudram
Purusha Suktam - Mar 19th, 2025 onwards
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