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A study group is a group of five to fifteen people who meet regularly to discuss one of the Vedantic texts. All members of the group participate equally, with one of them being a Coordinator. Poojya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda put the highest emphasis on participation in study groups by all sincere seekers. It aims to provide the wisdom of Vedanta and the practical means for spiritual growth and happiness, to individuals from any background, enabling them to become positive contributors to society. Study Group members are those who study the scriptures because they have a thirst to imbibe and benefit from the perennial wisdom of the rishis.


The systematic Study Group Curriculum has been developed and prescribed by Pujya Gurudev himself, after testing its validity over the years. Today, there are over 1,000 Chinmaya Study Groups worldwide. Inspired by the vision of Vedanta, thousands of spiritual seekers across the world meet in groups to study and discuss Vedantic texts. Setting aside blind beliefs, they discuss scriptural teachings, deepening their personal philosophical understanding.


What is read or heard, in order to take root, must be thought over (tat chintanam) or reflected upon. The test of clear thinking is in the ability to express our thoughts clearly (tat kathanam). Again, whether our understanding is correct and proper, is brought out in the rational and mutual discussion of the Study Group members (anyonya prabodhanam). Thus, the sincere and diligent student gains a better perspective of our scriptures through this process. Additionally, this forum, in the atmosphere of satsanga, also fosters and develops brotherly understanding and cooperative thinking among the members, and affirms the wisdom of Oneness.Chinmaya Adult Study Groups follow a syllabus that includes introductory Vedantic texts, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, and the Upanishads.

(source credit :

Time11 am to 12 pm, Sundays (9/8/24 to 5/11/25)

North Hills: 
Chinmaya Amarnath, 358 Mars Valencia Rd, Mars PA
Chinmaya Sanjeevani, 3817 Northern Pike, Monroeville PA

South Hills: 
3700 Old Oakdale Road McDonald, PA 15057

DescriptionGoswami Tulsidas, renowned for his devotion to Lord Rama and author of the popular Hanuman Chalisa, is best known as the author of the epic Ramcharitmanas, a retelling of the Sanskrit Ramayana in the vernacular Awadhi (a language similar to modern-day Hindi). Many consider Tulsidas to be a reincarnation of Sage Valmiki. We will study Ramcharitmanas, which is often called Tulsidas’ Ramayana, using discussion, breakout rooms, and debates. The purpose of our study is to awaken Lord Rama in our own hearts and minds.

North Hills : 
Satish & Visala Muluk - 412-925-9646 

Monroeville: Ganesh & Sheela Krishnamurthy - 412-916-8780 

South Hills: Suresh & Sujana Mulukutla412-965-6078 
Time8:30 to 9:30 pm, Tuesday 
Description: Vedanta Book Club : Completed Kindle Life, Bhaja Govindam, Atmabodha & Tattvabodha and will be exploring Kathopanishad this year. Kathopanishad - a dialogue between young Nachiketa and the Lord of death, Yama. The brilliant questions and equally brilliant answers will help seekers at all stages to understand our true Self and attain Ultimate Peace and Bliss.

ContactSatish & Visala Muluk - - 412-925-9646 
Opportunities for Self Development through weekly classes
led by Shri Vivek Ji

Link to Chinmaya Niagara Courses
Explore the courses on Vedanta, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishad, Sanskrit, Vedic Mathematics, Self-development and many more offered by CIF under the Home Study Courses. These courses are under Online and Postal modes. More than 50,000 students world wide have benefited from these programmes. You too will. Register now!

Link to Chinmaya International Foundation Courses
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Study groups present a golden opportunity to improve one's spiritual progress and indeed, one's happiness.

C hinmaya Mission Pittsburgh has many in-person and online study groups. Explore and Register!!

Time: 8:30 to 9:30 pm, Thursdays
Description: For our Virtual Thursday Satsang, we have studied Self-Unfoldment, Bhaja Govindam, and Mukundamala. Now, every Thursday, we will embark on the study of Art of Man Making! Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda's talks (now converted into these texts) based on the Bhagavad Gita were aired on the All India Radio and addressed to all those who seek self growth and transformation. Whether you’ve participated before or not in study groups, consider joining as we collectively reflect, learn, and uplift each other as we deepen our understanding and practice of the profound truths of our scriptures.
ContactSuresh & Sujana Mulukutla - - 412-965-6078 
Time: 7:30 to 8:30 pm, Wednesdays
LocationChinmaya Amarnath
Description: Veda Mantra Vichara Study Class - To learn the text of the Vedic Mantrams (sacred hymns) extolling the One Reality in many ways. We will study Ganapati Atharva Shīrsham, Śrī Sūktam, Durga Sūktam, Purusha Sūktam & Śrī Rudram. Registration needed.

Link for more details & to Register

ContactSaru Padamati - - 724-506-0573 
Time: 9 to 10 am, Sundays (9/8/24 to 5/11/25)

North Hills: 
Chinmaya Amarnath, 358 Mars Valencia Rd, Mars PA

South Hills: 
3700 Old Oakdale Road McDonald, PA 15057

DescriptionLearn to chant Vishnu Sahasranamam as part of the Bala Vihar program

North Hills : 
Anupama Balajee - 412-818-8651 

South Hills: Aparna Ranjith412-944-9540 
Time6:30 to 7:15 pm, Tuesday 
LocationChinmaya Amarnath
Description: Learn to chant Lalita Sahasranamam

ContactAnupama Balajee - - 412-818-8651 
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