Chess Club and Tournament

Our Youth Seva volunteers have come up with a novel fundraiser. You can join the Chess Club and participate in a Chess Tournament! We have beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels taught by experts at those levels. Click here to sign up for online lessons (March 7, 14 1:30-2:30pm) or for the tournament on March 21st via chess.com. A donation of $10 is requested for each. It is not necessary to take the lessons - you can just join the tournament if you wish. Winner gets $20 Amazon gift card.
Zoom Links : Beginner | Intermediate | Advanced
(Passcode for all the three meetings if needed :1234)
Class Notes : Intermediate
Contacts : Aarav Surapaneni | Smrithi Shyam | Arjun Golla | Kesar Sampat | Binu Jain | Hari Vishwanathan
My Ground Strokes Fundraiser

Founded in August of 2019 by Anup Nadesan (one of our CMP students) and Joseph Bonfiglio, MyGroundStrokes (MGS) is a youth-led nonprofit initiative built to provide inclusive tennis-based instruction to children with special needs and financial hardship. MGS is raising funds so that more special needs children can join. Click here to donate. Every $50 donated can sponsor one new MGS student. Contact Anup at mygroundstrokes@gmail.com for more information.
WhatsApp Group
If you are a Youth Seva Volunteer, click here to join our WhatsApp group.
Youth Seva signups for 2020-2021 are now closed. If you havent signed up yet and would like to become a Youth Seva Volunteer, contact binujain@yahoo.com
Bake Sale

Details Coming Soon

Details Coming Soon

2020 Recipients
Aarav Mendon
Aarav Surapaneni
Adhitya Thirumala
Advait Kulkarni
Anup Nadesan
Bhav Jain
Kesar Sampat
Prateek Adurty
Prem Nadesan
Reva Mendon
Simren Jayaraman
Smriti Shyam
Sreethi Ramineni
Srishti Raviprakash
Urvish Jain
Congratulations !!
Presidents Volunteer Service Award Winners

The President’s Volunteer Service Award is an opportunity to honor our most outstanding volunteers and recognize the impact they make.
15 of our Youth Seva students were awarded this prestigious award in 2020 in recognition of their volunteer activity.
2021 Seva Activites
Valentine's Day Cookie Decorating Contest
Youth Seva organized a Valentine’s day themed cookie and card baking/decorating contest fundraiser on Sunday, February 14th 4 to 6 PM. Volunteers lead step by step on how to make the cookies, decorating, and judged! While the cookies were baking, kids decorated cards for senior homes!
Coat and Boot Drive
To support the winter needs of Light of Life and Family Promise of Western Pennsylvania, Ryan Katukota organized a coat drive and collected 102 coats, 42 boots and numerous winter items like gloves, hats, scarfs etc.. Ryan reached out to 10 plus shelters in Pittsburgh to identify their needs and how CMP Youth Seva could help.
Movie Night
Volunteer leader Kesar Sampath organized the Movie Night on Jan 2nd 2021. Many of our families enjoyed watching "Soul" as an extended CMP family over Zoom.
2020 Seva Activities
Diwali Fundraiser
The team raised $1300. The boxes were sold out in a record number of 3 days. Sevaks from all three centers came together following Social distancing norms to manage the complex logistics of assembling the boxes and distributing them over a weekend.
Mask Volunteering
Chinmaya Volunteers made 300 masks and distributed across the communities. Exceeded the initial goal of 200 masks over the summer of 2020
2020 Seva Funds Recipients
EKAM - Respirator
EKAL - Tablets for 5 schools
2019 Seva Activities
Jubilee Kitchen - Kids and Adults cooked a meal for 200 people
Partners in Educations- 3 batches of Student Volunteers participated, planning additional times for summer.
Thanksgiving Food Bank Drive
Vision Drive
Coat Drive
Our Committee
Lead: Binu Jain
Monroeville: Anitha B, Usha K, Karuna
South Hills: Sheela Ganesh, Sunitha, Prerna, Preeti
North Hills: Jamuna Sampat
For more details regarding Seva, please contact Binu Jain
Email: binujain@yahoo.com
Cell- 724-691-7195